I've been doing a software the last few days with the help of some people from here and now the code is finished but it seems to have some errors since it does not what it's suposed to.
The code is as follows:
add r3,#1
b .loop_ini
add r2,#1
mov r3,#0
b .loop_ini
LDR r2,=0x0019660D
umull r4,r5,r1,r2 @;RLo,RHi,N,M; r5 contains 32low bits from
mov r0,r2 @;Movemos el resultado del modulo a r0
pop {r1-r2,pc} @;restores modified registers and returns
Does anyone find any error? I think but don't know for sure that the error may be when inserting the random values into the matrix.