First off, I know this is far from professional. I'm trying to learn how to work with strings. What this app is supposed to do is take a simple text input and do a few things with it:
count letters, count upper and lower case letters, count words and count spaces. Here is what I've done:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>Case Check</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkCase(text)
var counter = 0;
var letters = 0;
var lowercase = 0;
var uppercase = 0;
var spaces = 0;
var words = 0;
for(; counter < text.length; counter++)
if(isUpperCase(text.charAt(counter))) {uppercase ++; letters++;}
if(isLowerCase(text.charAt(counter))) {lowercase ++; letters++;}
if((text.charAt(counter) == " ") && (counter < text.length))
spaces += 1;
words += 1;
if((text.charAt(counter) == ".") || (text.charAt(text(counter)) == ",")) continue;
return [letters, lowercase, uppercase, spaces, words];
function isUpperCase(character)
if(character == character.toUpperCase) return true;
else return false;
function isLowerCase(character)
if(character == character.toLowerCase) return true;
else return false;
<script type="text/javascript">
var typed = prompt("Enter some words.");
var result = checkCase(typed);
document.write("Number of letters: " + result[0] + "br /");
document.write("Number of lowercase letters: " + result[1] + "br /");
document.write("Number of uppercase letters: " + result[2] + "br /");
document.write("Number of spaces: " + result[3] + "br /");
document.write("Number of words: " + result[4] + "br /");
Made several changes due to users' suggestions. The problem now is that it won't let me treat 'text' like a string object.