29 46 C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\bob project\Proj1.cpp [Warning] deprecated
conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
和第 32 行的相同错误
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Global constants
const int SIZE = 20; // The number of questions
const int numQuestions = 20;
// Function prototypes
void readFile(char filename[],char answers[], int SIZE);
void compareAnswers(char student[], char correct[], int SIZE, int & numMissed);
void displayTestResults(int numMissed, int SIZE);
int main()
// Number of questions missed.
int numMissed;
// Array to hold the correct answers
char correct[SIZE];
// Array to hold the student's answers
char student[SIZE];
//Read the correct answers.
readFile("CorrectAnswers.txt", correct, SIZE);
// Read the student's answers.
readFile("StudentAnswers.txt", student, SIZE);
// Compare the student's answers with the correct
// answers.
compareAnswers(student, correct, SIZE, numMissed);
// Display the test results.
displayTestResults(numMissed, SIZE);
return 0;
// ********************************************************
// The readFile function reads the contents of an answer *
// file into an array. *
// ********************************************************
void readFile(char filename[], char values[], int SIZE)
fstream inFile;
// Open the file.
for (char i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
// ********************************************************
// The compareAnswers function compares the elements of *
// the student array with the elements of the correct *
// array. For each student answer that is incorrect the *
// funcction increments a counter that keeps track of the *
// number of incorrect answers, making this available via *
// a call by reference argument. The function displays *
// the question number answered incorrectly along with *
// answer given by the student and the correct answer. *
// ********************************************************
void compareAnswers(char student[], char correct[],
int SIZE, int &numMissed)
// Initialize numMissed.
numMissed = 0;
cout<< "Checking the answers...\n";
// Step through the answer arrays comparing
// each answer.
for (char i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
if(student[i] == correct[i])
cout<<"I'm sorry, you had the wrong answer for "<<i + 1<<"."<<endl;
cout<<"Your answer was "<<student[i]<<".";
cout<<"The correct answer was "<<correct[i]<<".";
// ********************************************************
// The displayTestResults function displays the test *
// statistics. *
// ********************************************************
void displayTestResults(int numMissed, int SIZE)
int temp;
// Calculate the number of correctly answered
// questions.
int correctlyAnswered = SIZE - numMissed;
// Calculate the numeric score correctly rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.
temp == static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(correctlyAnswered/SIZE*10+0.5));
// Display the number of correctly answered
// questions.
cout<<" The number of questions you got correct is:" <<correctlyAnswered;
// Display the percentage of correctly
// answered questions.
cout<<" The percentage of questions you got correct is:"<<temp;
//Display the letter grade on the exam.
if (temp >=93)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is an: A";}
else if(temp>=89)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is an: A-";}
else if(temp>=87)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: B+";}
else if(temp>=83)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: B";}
else if(temp>=79)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: B-";}
else if(temp>=77)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: C+";}
else if(temp>=73)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: C";}
else if(temp>=69)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: C-";}
else if(temp>=67)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: D+";}
else if(temp>=63)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: D";}
else if(temp>=57)
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: D-";}
{cout<<"Your letter grade is a: F"<<endl;}
`enter code here`}