private List<Double> firstList = new ArrayList<Double>();
private List<Double> secondList = new ArrayList<Double>();
private List<Double> thirdList = new ArrayList<Double>();
private static final double OUT_OF_BOUNDS = -1;
// just to initialize the arrays
private void initializeLists() {
// dont pay attention to this
for (double d1 = 0, d2 = 500, d3 = 5000; d1 < 50; d1++, d2++, d3++) {
// create a method to retrieve data from both lists, and return it in an array or even
// a new list
private double[] apply(int index) {
if (index < firstList.size() && index < secondList.size()) {
if (index >= 0) {
return new double[] { firstList.get(index), secondList.get(index) };
return new double[] { OUT_OF_BOUNDS, OUT_OF_BOUNDS };
// you can pass those lists as parameters
private double[] apply(int index, List<Double> firstList, List<Double> secondList) {
if (index < firstList.size() && index < secondList.size()) {
if (index >= 0) {
return new double[] { firstList.get(index), secondList.get(index) };
return new double[] { OUT_OF_BOUNDS, OUT_OF_BOUNDS };
// you can even pass undefined number of lists (var-args)and grab there values at onnce
private double[] apply(int index, List<Double>... lists) {
int listsSize = lists.length;
if (index >= 0) {
double[] search = new double[listsSize];
for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < listsSize; listIndex++) {
List<Double> currentList = lists[listIndex];
if (index < currentList.size()) {
search[listIndex] = currentList.get(index);
} else {
search[listIndex] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
return search;
double[] invalidSearch = new double[listsSize];
for (int i = 0; i < listsSize; i++) {
invalidSearch[i] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
return invalidSearch;
// now the work
public void combineLists() {
double[] search = null;
// search for index Zero in both lists
search = apply(0);
// result : [0.0, 500.0]
// search for index One in both list parameters
search = apply(1, firstList, secondList);
// result : [1.0, 501.0]
// search for index Two in var-args list parameters
search = apply(2, firstList, secondList, thirdList);
// result : [2.0, 502.0, 5002.0]
// search for wrong index
search = apply(800);
// result : [-1.0, -1.0]
// search for wrong index
search = apply(800, firstList, secondList);
// result : [-1.0, -1.0]
// search for wrong index
search = apply(800, firstList, secondList, thirdList);
// result : [-1.0, -1.0,-1.0]