I have decided to sit down and build my first custom theme in Magento and I'm using this tutorial: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/magento-for-designers-part-4/
However I cant for the life of me find a way to include horizontal navigation (Home | Shop | Contact etc.) along the top of my website!
I tried all the suggestions I could find including placing everything in the root category and enabling all cats in the navigation.. refreshing the cache etc.
I've been working at this for hours now and been searching everywhere for an answer. I've pretty much followed the tutorial step by step but I can't see any way to enable the Nav - can someone please point me in the right direction with this?
(I'm kind of assuming Magento have a way to do this to add categories automatically - I'm aware I could hard code the navigation bar but I'm trying to avoid this.)