As the title states, I would like to do a sort_by such that my Course model can be sorted by its "year" column, but in such an order that I can specify.
Possible years are:
So I'd like to make those into an array:
array_of_years = ["Freshman", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior"]
And sort my Courses by their year, in the order of that array.
For instance (pseudocode follows, I just made up the syntax to explain what I'm asking for):
Course.all.sort_by{ |course| course.year, array_of_years }
This would sort them in order of the array_of_years array, by ordering all Courses with a "year" column of "Freshman" first, and "Senior" last.
And if I wanted them sorted from Senior to Freshman, then I'd do:
Course.all.sort_by{ |course| course.year, array_of_years.reverse }
Or I could simply rearrange the array_of_years array to my liking and use the first block of code.
Is there a way to sort like this in Ruby/Rails?