I'm using Ruby On Rails 3.0.9 and everything works fine on Development env. When I switch to Production env, or I upload it to our server, after sign in I'm taken back to the same Login page. When I check the log, I can see the following:

Started POST "/users/login" for at Thu Oct 03 16:48:13 -0300 2013
  Processing by UserSessionsController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {"user"=>{"password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"demo_admin"}, "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"+7AEoVXZ9XiagEymVUnOhFHnck4rgDu883E/ySMlCxQ="}
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/admin
Completed 302 Found in 111ms

Started GET "/admin" for at Thu Oct 03 16:48:13 -0300 2013
  Processing by Admin::DashboardController#index as HTML
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms

I'm using authorization_rules file in order to manage access, but I've got no problem on Dev env, as I said before.

If I place a breakpoint at the admin/dashboard#index action, it won't be executed, as it's not reached. It breaks at httpserver file (I debugged it step by step), but I cannot understand why it works on Dev and not on Prod env.

Please, help.

Thanks, Brian


I forgor to mention that, in my ApplicationController, there's a before_filter called check_plan_features and the first thing it asks is unless current_user.blank? #redirects to Admin section.

I've noticed that after signing in, using Devise, current_user has the user's value, but when after redirecting to the admin section, it comes back to the same filter, and this time, the current_user is null. So, I assume that, somehow, the user's session is destroyed after trying to access Admin section. But, as this only happens on production environment, I'm still wondering what could be.


1 回答 1


我刚刚遇到了这个确切的问题(使用 rails 4 和 devise 3)。


YourAppName::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_your_session', domain: {
  production: 'production_domain',
  development: 'development_domain'
}.fetch(Rails.env.to_sym, :all)


于 2014-07-22T11:16:21.187 回答