MyClass* object
此外,如果您要使用,请new MyClass
确保使用delete object
Entity::Entity() { object = NULL; } //constructor
Entity::doTest(stuff) {
delete object;
object = new MyClass(stuff);
//Following rule of three, since we need to manage the resources properly
//you should define Copy Constructor, Copy Assignment Operator, and destructor.
Entity::Entity(const Entity& that) { //copy constructor
object = that.object;
//assumes you've correctly implemented an assignment operator overload for MyClass
//invoke copy and swap idiom* if you wish, I'm too lazy
Entity& Entity::operator=(const Entity& source) {
MyClass* temp = new MyClass(source.object)
//assumes you've correctly implemented an copy constructor (or default one works) for MyClass.
delete object;
object = temp;
return *this;
Entity::~Entity() { //destuctor
delete object;