


但实际上,对我们来说,客户更像是一个“核心”业务对象,而电话号码则不那么重要。为电话号码编写一堆结构并将其公开为 Our-Library-Goodness 感觉有点奇怪。它们似乎有点“超出范围”。




MyCustomer.SetTelephoneNumber(new USTelephoneNumber("555", "555", "5555%$&"));


这只会引发错误或静默失败/成功或返回 string.Empty 或其他任何内容。

我不知道这个问题是否可以“回答”,我不想发动任何圣战。无论哪种方式,我都在寻找一些推理。我们只是一个 2 人团队,试图在一个不太关心代码质量或可维护性的机构中做正确的事情。


3 回答 3



How does your Customer class know how to validate the phone number as a US number? If you are assuming that a US Customer will have a US phone number, that assumption may be wrong in some cases. So it's fair both to have a "simple" override that takes care of the most likely scenario and an override that allows you to specify uncommon cases.

Your system will also become easier to test, if you can inject different types of validation logic for phone numbers instead of having them "hidden" in the class.

That said, I would not overthink this too much. It's good to "try to do the right thing" but it's also easy to fall in the FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition syndrome.

于 2013-10-03T13:30:53.173 回答

Phone numbers seem to be part of your domain, so expose them. Ideally, all your code in the entire app would share this phone number object and standardize on it. Maybe it should even exist at a lower layer (a data formats library or so, that is independent of higher-level objects like customers).

于 2013-10-03T13:31:28.953 回答

The key to this issue is that you stated it is an "internal only library." This means it is entirely up to the internal development team to determine how the library is implemented. To make those decisions, I would look at the value of the two implementation possibilities.

Does the more complex implementation save you time and effort in later development?

Does the more complex implementation keep you from writing validation code over and over when you use the library?

Those are the questions that can help you determine if the complex implementation is valuable. If the coding up front is going to save you time in the long term, then it is worth it. If the coding up front isn't going to save time and effort in the foreseeable future, then it is not worth the effort.

于 2013-10-03T13:39:36.790 回答