I am making a modal popup and i dynamically add some data to it, along with a couple checkboxes. There is a checkbox that "Selects All" checkboxes in a certain section, which works alright, except for the fact that the "Select All" checkbox doesn't get checked off unless I double click it, which essentially envokes the click function twice.
$('.delAllSampleTwo').prop("checked", !$('.delAllSampleTwo').prop("checked"));
$('.delTwo').prop("checked", !$('.delTwo').prop("checked"));
the .delTwo class code works correctly. but not the delAllSampleTwo, and yes the ID and Class of them are the same, i tried with just id or just class but couldn't get it to work correctly.
Here is the HTML string being returned from the JQuery code;
<table style=\'width: 685px;\' cellpadding=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\'>
<td style=\'width:20px;\'><a href=\'#\' class=\'toggleReportTwo\'></a></td>
<td style=\'width:315px; text-align:left; font-weight:bold;\'>Sample Report Two</td>
<td style=\'font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:right;\'>10/3/2013,9:52:40 AM</td>
<td style=\'font-weight:bold; width:150px; text-align:left; padding-left:6px;\'>
<a href=\'#\' class=\'viewIndReports\'>View All in One PDF</a>
<td style=\'width:70px;\'>
<input type=\'checkbox\' id=\'delAllSampleTwo\' class=\'delAllSampleTwo\'/>All
<div id=\'sampleTwoReports\'>
<table style=\'width: 685px;\' cellpadding=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\'>
<td style=\'width:20px;\'></td>
<td style=\'width:315px; text-align:left;\'>CHIN KIM</td>
<td style=\'width: 140px; text-align:right; padding-right:4px;\'> </td>
<td style=\'width:150px; text-align:left; padding-left:6px;\'>
<a class=\'viewIndReports\' href=\'#\' target=\'_blank\'>View</a>
<td style=\'width:70px;\'>
<input type=\'checkbox\' id=\'delCHIN KIM\' class=\'delTwo\'/>