I am currently building a mobile application with Kendo UI which I intend to run through phonegap and deploy to some App Stores in the near future.

I have set out the layout in HTML, CSS & JS using the Kendo framework and everything is looking good and in place.

My app will talk to an existing MySQL database which already has lots of data in it. I am wanting to pull data out of the database and display it in my application. Can anybody with any experience with Kendo UI, phonegap and app deployment help me get started as the Kendo documentation for this is not very clear.

Thanks in advance!


2 回答 2


包含大量数据的 mysql 数据库可能位于某处的服务器上。大多数具有 mysql 的服务器可能都安装了 php。因此,您可以做的最简单的事情是使用一些 php mvc 框架从数据库中获取数据,将其转换为 json并将其发送到您的 kendo-phonegap 应用程序。



于 2013-10-03T20:58:21.570 回答

我认为您需要使用一些包装器。Kendo UI 不仅会从您的数据库中获取数据。

例如使用 php 设置 apache http 服务器。最好的方法是获得一些可以为您处理数据库的轻量级框架。从 Kendo 的客户端,您将查询您的服务器。

于 2013-10-03T12:24:53.133 回答