What is the minimum recommended heap size for Cassandra? On the Cassandra wiki page we can read: "the more memory, the better, with 4GB being the minimum we typically recommended"

On the Datastax website:

"Java heap space should be set to a maximum of 8GB or half of your total RAM, whichever is lower."

But I cannot find anywhere more information on what should be the minimum recommended heap RAM. Assuming we run other services on the same server we do not want Cassandra to use half of a RAM hence we need to specify the maximum HEAP memory. Should we aim at 4GB heap as minimum or 8GB or perhaps 2GB is absolutely fine?


2 回答 2


这在很大程度上取决于您的工作量和数据量。对于大容量插入工作负载,您将需要一个大堆,至少 4 GB。您可能需要更大的堆来存储更多数据,尽管在 Cassandra 2.0(最新版本)中这不太重要 - 如果每个节点的容量小于 1 TB,那么堆压力就不大了。


于 2013-10-03T10:34:01.980 回答

能够在 t2.micro EC2 上的 400Mb 堆上运行 cassandra。不需要超级性能。

于 2015-04-07T08:55:56.710 回答