我正在尝试从 Windows 2012 powershell 到 Windows 2003 执行 get-mailbox cmd-let。Windows 2003 有一个交换服务器 2007 并充当集线器角色。代码是:
invoke-command -ComputerName exchangeXXX -ScriptBlock {
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Support
Get-ChildItem C:\
get-childitem c:\ 和 Add-PSsnapIn 命令有效,但 get-mailbox 无效,它返回错误:
Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: El proceso host del proveedor WSMan no devolvió una respuesta
correcta. Puede que un proveedor del proceso host haya tenido un comportamiento incorrecto. For more information, see the
about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (exchangeXX:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : JobFailure
+ PSComputerName : exchangeXX