我是 android 新手,正在创建一个注册页面。由于 android 不支持 mysql ,我创建了一个基于 php 的脚本,它为不同的查询给出整数值。
2 --> successful insertion in database
-1 --> Email already used
0--> username used
根据我从 php 脚本获得的响应的整数值,我执行后续任务。即使成功地将值插入数据库并且第一个打印语句将 Regresult 的值显示为“2”,if 语句也不起作用,并且 else if 语句都可以正常工作。
/* Getting the response back from the PHPAPI and storing it in a variable */
HttpEntity entity = Response.getEntity();
String Regresult = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
/* printing value of Regresult to verify if the condition is right or wrong */
/* Registration depending upon response from Http post call */
/* Email used works fine when Regresult = -1 */
Context text = getApplicationContext();
CharSequence message = "Email already in use.";
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(text, message, duration);
/* Username used work fine when Regresult = 0 */
else if(Regresult.equals("0"))
Context text = getApplicationContext();
CharSequence message = "Username already in use.";
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(text, message, duration);
/* Here is the problem when Regresult= 2 , even though consition is correct the statement don't get executed */
else if(Regresult.equals("2"))
Context text = getApplicationContext();
CharSequence message = "Registration Successful.";
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(text, message, duration);