我想将我的 exe 保留在服务器上。每当用户单击桌面图标时,该应用程序的客户端桌面图标将包含该服务器的地址,该图标应从其计算机上的服务器位置调用。那个exe应该在他的电脑上运行。我应该用什么?怎么能做到这一点。请帮我。提前致谢


2 回答 2



于 2013-10-03T05:13:55.677 回答

It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

If you are doing this so you can change the actual EXE without updating the users computer, then you would have a simple app on the users computer that would look for the exe on the server. Once it found it, it could execute it via:

Process.Start(exeName) // where exeName is a reference to the executable you want to run, including path.

Once that has started, your app can now exit as it is no longer working.

Using this approach, you can have your app check for the exe of your choice and run that.

If you just want to be able to keep the exe on the server, then just click on the exe in the server (in windows explorer) and drag it to the users desktop as a shortcut and you are good to go.


于 2013-10-03T05:22:20.577 回答