我无法让 tkinter 更新一对简单的“应用程序全局”布尔变量以匹配相关复选框的变量。布尔值被初始化、更新并存储在一个文件中,并被另一个文件引用(只读)。无论复选框状态如何,布尔值都不会改变其默认值。(需要注意的一点:False/True 的初始值变为 0/1,可能是由于 tkinter impelements 布尔值的方式存在问题)。奇怪的是,对应于 tkinter 复选框表的类似“应用程序全局”布尔值表没有问题。该表是由第三个文件定义的类的实例。该表与简单布尔值位于相同的文件中(并以相同的方式处理)。
所有布尔值都在一个文件 (File1.py) 中使用(只读),并且仅由另一个文件 (File2.py) 修改。显式返回问题布尔值(从 File2.py 到 File1.py)不起作用。

使用的环境是带有 Pydev 2.7.32013031601 插件的 Eclipse Juno(4.2.2,构建 M20130204-1200)上的 Windows 7、Python 3.2.2。该应用程序正在从 Eclipse 控制台运行。

根据 LEGB 范围规则,一切似乎都正常(包含和全局语句存在,并且点分名称形式用于外部定义的“应用程序级别”全局变量)。正如我所看到的,要么所有布尔更新都应该工作,要么都不应该工作。那么为什么布尔表可以正常工作而简单的布尔值不能正常工作 - 以及需要什么才能让简单的布尔值正常工作?
推测,这是否与 python 将具有基本值(例如 0、1、2、3、True?False?)的变量实现为“共享值”而不是单独变量的方式有关 - 这会导致引用时出现问题这些来自其他模块的简单值?

示例应用程序由 3 个文件组成;每个都已尽可能减少,同时仍能显示问题。在 Windows 7 上运行时,您应该看到:Tkinter 窗口播种运行示例代码的 rusluts

File1.py - 主线,包含回调函数“Get_User_Selections”:

from tkinter  import *
from tkinter  import ttk
import File2 
def Get_User_Selections( ):

    print( "\nDoAllReports=", File2.DoAllReports, "DoNoReports=", File2.DoNoReports )

    if ( not File2.DoNoReports ) :  
        for row in range( len( File2.ChosenReports ) ):
            for column in range( len( File2.ChosenReports[ 0 ] ) ) :              
                if ( File2.ChosenReports[ row ][ column ].get() or
                     File2.DoAllReports ) :

                    print( "Do report  (", row, ',', column, ')' )               
def CreateTheReports( *args ):
    Get_User_Selections( )
''' *********** MAIN PROCEDURE ***************** '''
root = Tk()
root.title( 'tkinter Boolean problem' )

mainframe = ttk.Frame( root )
mainframe.grid( )

File2.ChooseReports( mainframe )

DoItButton  = Button( mainframe, text = 'DO IT!', command = CreateTheReports )


File2.py - 定义 GUI,更新所有“应用程序级全局”布尔值:

from tkinter  import *

# import the custom "GUI table" widgit class (which works as expected)

from TkinterCheckBoxTableClass import TkinterCheckBoxTableClass

# Determine the table "shape" (in the original application the strings become  
# the row and column headers, these headers NOT shown by this example code).

RowTitles    = [ "A", "B" ] 
ColumnTitles = [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ]

DefaultReports = [ ]
for i in RowTitles :
    for j in ColumnTitles :
        DefaultReports = DefaultReports + [ False ] 

# Initialize the three "APPLICATION LEVEL" global variables that preserve the
# user choices across invocations of the routine.  Each invocation is caused
# by the user pressing the "DO IT!" button on the GUI.

ChosenReports = DefaultReports     # table of user choices (works properly)

# These two "application" globals override the table (above) of individual 
# choices.  "DoNoReports" overrides "DoAllReports"; both override the table. 

DoAllReports  = False    # does not work, value never changes    
DoNoReports   = False    # does not work, value never changes    

def ChooseReports( ParentFrame ):    
    # Purpose : Interface between the "application globals" and what appears
    #           on the GUI.  Called from File1.py whenever user presses 
    #           the "DO IT" button

    global ChosenReports   # "application" global, resides in this file
    global DoAllReports    # "application" global, resides in this file
    global DoNoReports     # "application" global, resides in this file

    GuiTable = [ [ IntVar() for j in range( len( ColumnTitles ) ) ]
                                        for i in range( len( RowTitles ) ) ]

    ThisFrame = LabelFrame( ParentFrame, text = " Select Reports " )    
    ThisFrame.grid( row = 1, column = 0 )

    DoAll  = IntVar( value = DoAllReports )
    DoNone = IntVar( value = DoNoReports )

    SelectAll = Checkbutton( ThisFrame, variable = DoAll, text = "All",
                             onvalue = True, offvalue = False)
    SelectAll.grid( row = 0, column = 1 )

    SelectNone = Checkbutton( ThisFrame, variable = DoNone, text ='None',
                              onvalue = True, offvalue = False )
    SelectNone.grid( row = 0, column = 2 )

    TableFrame = LabelFrame( ThisFrame, background = 'grey', 
                             borderwidth = 1, relief = FLAT )
    TableFrame.grid( row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 3, rowspan = 2 )

    # Create the custom Checkbox Table, works without any problems.

    ChooseTheReports =  TkinterCheckBoxTableClass( FrameID = TableFrame,
                                              UserSelections = GuiTable )
    # Update the "application level" globals
    DoAllReports  = DoAll.get( )
    DoNoReports   = DoNone.get( )
    ChosenReports = ChooseTheReports.getTable( )
    # Passing back the above variables in the return statement did NOT work.
    # Returning them shouldn't even be needed since a) they have "application" 
    # level scope, b) they reside in THIS file and c) are ONLY modified by THIS 
    # file (with the new values being accessible from other files).   


TkinterCheckBoxTableClass.py - 实现布尔表:

Implements a 2-D matrix (table) of tkinter checkboxes (for Python 3.x).
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

class TkinterCheckBoxTableClass( object ):   
    Python 3.x interface to a matrix (2-D table) of tkinter checkboxes.
    Must pass a tkinter frame and the matrix to the constructor.
    Class constructor parameters:    
        FrameID             - tkinter parent frame that displays the table
        UserSelections      - matrix of True/False values passed to/from to GUI         
    Entire Table Methods:    
        getTable()         - extracts 2-D array of UserSelections from tkinter
    def __init__( self , FrameID, UserSelections ) :               
        self.frameID             = FrameID      
        self.userSelections      = UserSelections       
        self.rowCount            = max( 1, len( self.userSelections ) )
        self.columnCount         = max( 1, len( self.userSelections[ 0 ] ) )                              
        self.checkBoxTable  = [ [ IntVar() for j in range( self.columnCount ) ]
                                           for i in range( self.rowCount ) ]
        # Construct and display the table of tkinter checkboxes
        for i in range( self.rowCount ) :
            for j in range( self.columnCount ) :
                self.checkBoxTable[i][j] = Checkbutton( self.frameID,
                                    variable = self.userSelections[ i ][ j ],
                                    onvalue  = True, offvalue = False )
                self.checkBoxTable[i][j].grid( row =  i + 1, column =  j + 1, 
                                               sticky = W )
    def getTable( self ) :
        for i in range( self.rowCount ) :
            for j in range( self.columnCount ) :
                self.checkBoxTable[i][j] = Checkbutton( self.frameID,
                                     variable = self.userSelections[ i ][ j ],
                                     onvalue  = True,offvalue = False )
                self.checkBoxTable[i][j].grid( row = i + 1, column = j + 1,
                                               sticky = W )
        return self.userSelections   
''' END CLASS '''

顺便说一句,关于 PEP8:请参阅 PEP8 介绍之后的部分。;>) 我也很清楚“应用程序全局变量”和“创建通用包含文件并在任何地方导入”方法的优缺点;除非绝对没有其他简单的方法可以解决我的问题,否则我不希望使用它。(我更喜欢只在需要的地方导入模块。)


2 回答 2



DoAllReports = IntVar(False)

然后在您的客户端代码中,使用DoAllReports.get()而不是 just DoAllReports,相同的DoNoReports. 不要创建单独的IntVars DoAlland DoNone; 它们不是必需的,只需使用DoAllReportsand DoNoReports


DoAllReports  = DoAll.get()
DoNoReports   = DoNone.get()

...是它们在用户有机会单击它们所附加的按钮之前在对话框的构建过程中执行。所以你只是得到了你刚刚初始化的相同值IntVars。您不会在任何其他时间更新全局变量,例如当用户单击 时DO IT!,因此它们自然不会更新。

于 2013-10-02T23:33:56.127 回答

看来您只在创建 gui 时设置了这些全局变量的值。一旦出现 gui 并且允许用户与检查按钮交互,我看不到任何代码会更改其值。仅仅因为您使用 的结果初始化它们DoAll.get()并不意味着在选中检查按钮时它们会继续更新。

为什么需要这些变量?您已经创建了在用户单击检查按钮时进行更新的IntVars ,为什么还要添加另一个抽象级别?只需DoAll.get()在需要价值时使用。

该表起作用的原因是因为它是一个IntVars 表,当检查按钮值更改时,它们会不断更新。

于 2013-10-02T23:30:22.523 回答