// Extract the bitmap data from the image
unsigned char* imageData= [self extractImageDataForImage:self.image];
// Iterate through the matrix and compare pixel colors
for (int i=0; i< height; i++){
for(int j=0; j<width*4; j+=4){ // assuming we extracted the RGBA image, therefore the 4 pixels, one per component
int pixelIndex= (i*width*4) + j;
MyColorImpl* pixelColor= [self colorForPixelAtIndex:pixelIndex imageData:imageData];
if( [self isColorWhite:pixelColor] ){
// we're not interested in white pixels
// The reason not to use UI color a few lines above is so you can compare colors in the way you want.
// You can say that two colors are equal if the difference for each component is not larger than x.
// That way you can locate pixels with equal color even if they are almost the same color.
// Let's say current color is yellow
// Get the object that contains the info for the yellow drawable
MyColoredObjectInformation* info= [self.coloredObjectDictionary objectForKey:pixelColor.description];
//it doesn't exist. So lets create it and map it to the yellow color
info= [MyColoredObjectInformation new];
[self.coloredObjectDictionary setObject:info forKey:pixelColor.description];
// get x and y for the current pixel
float pixelX= pixelIndex % (width*4);
float pixelY= i;
if(pixelX < info.xMin)
info.xMin= pixelX;
if(pixelX > info.xMax)
info.xMax= pixelX;
if(pixelY > info.yMax)
info.yMax= pixelY;
if(pixelY < info.yMin)
info.yMin= pixelY;
// don't forget to free the array (since it's been allocated dynamically in extractImageForDataForImage:]
不要忘记将 xMin、xMax、yMin 和 yMax 设置为每个对象的适当值
@implementation MyColoredObjectInformation
if( self= [super init]){
self.xMin= -1;
self.xMax= INT_MAX;
self.yMin= -1;
self.yMax= INT_MAX;
return self;
将图像转换为数据数组时可能发生的一件事是像素不会顶部-> 底部和左侧-> 右侧。通常图像在转换为 CGImage 时可以旋转。在这种情况下,您将有不同的 pixelIndex、pixelX 和 pixelY 公式。
和 对于每种颜色的值,您将有两个点代表对象 p1(xMin, yMin) 和 p2(xMax, yMax) 周围的矩形