我试图弄清楚如何将 Rails 应用程序从 www.domain1.com 移动到子目录(即 www.domain1.com/subdirectory),然后从 www.domain2 转移我一直在开发的 Wordpress 站点。 com 到 www.domain1.com。

基本上,我想保留我的旧 Rails 站点并使其可以通过子目录访问,并将其替换为我一直在另一个域名/主机上开发的新 Wordpress 站点。

我没有创建 Rails 站点,对 Rails 知之甚少,所以我什至不知道从哪里开始。Rails 站点托管在 Heroku 上。它还可以托管当前位于另一台主机上的 Wordpress 站点吗?




1 回答 1


First of all, you're not going to be able to host both php and ruby code on the same app in heroku. It sounds like the rails site is no longer going to be used in production and is only there for backup purposes. In that case, you'll be fine running that app on heroku's free tier.

So what you should do it this.

  • Keep your rails/heroku app exactly where it is.
  • Create a subdomain with your dns provider to point to the old rails site (something like oldsite.mydomain.com).
  • Point the new domain to heroku.
  • Downgrade your heroku account to the free plan.

Then you should go ahead and setup your wordpress site wherever. I've never used heroku for a wordpress app. For all of my professional sites I use wpengine. I wouldn't even consider going anywhere else because my experience there has been so great! Change your primary domain to point to that wordpress site.


于 2013-10-03T04:09:23.533 回答