I have an array which i must convert to a json variable and store it in a mysql table field and I do this by the following code:
$arr = array(
'title_it' => $category->title->attributes()->it,
'desc_it' => $category->desc->attributes()->it,
'tags_it' => $category->tags->attributes()->it,
'title_es' => $category->title->attributes()->es,
'desc_es' => $category->desc->attributes()->es,
'tags_es' => $category->tags->attributes()->es,
'title_fr' => $category->title->attributes()->fr,
'desc_fr' => $category->desc->attributes()->fr,
'tags_fr' => $category->tags->attributes()->fr,
'title_en' => $category->title->attributes()->en,
'desc_en' => $category->desc->attributes()->en,
'tags_en' => $category->tags->attributes()->en,
'title_de' => $category->title->attributes()->de,
'desc_de' => $category->desc->attributes()->de,
'tags_de' => $category->tags->attributes()->de
$params = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($arr));
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO category_tags (id, params) VALUES ($id, '$params')") or die("could not connect");
Then I want to read this field and display only the attribute title_it I tried something like:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM article_tags WHERE id = $id LIMIT 0,1") or die("could not connect");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$jsoni = json_encode($row['params']);
$decoded = json_decode($jsoni, true);
echo $decoded->title_it;
but no result. Also, the json is stored in a strange format. the mysql field looks like this:
So... What is the correct way to insert this json into a mysql field and then to read only a parameter of this field?