Currently im working on an app that receives data from RFID card reader throu serial port. The data, afterwards the data should be sent by TCP/IP to a server.

I already have both thing working, but not at the same time. I can read ID from card, and i can also send some text to server. But i would like to ask you for suggestion, what would be the best solution for those two things working together.

At the moment i have TCP/IP usage and Serial usage in two classes. From main class im creating objects of both classes and starting a thread that reads data from serial port.

Should i try something like this?

In class i would create only serial usage object and call a thread that handles reading. Inside of that reading thread, i would call a new thread that would open TCP/IP connection and sent data that it has recieved from serial port.

Another somehow simlar approach would open both connections from main class, but it would start TCP/IP sending thread (throu already open connection) from serial port recieveing thread.

I dont have too much experience with threading, so thats why i ask for your help fellow software developers. Thanks! (if that would help, i could paste some parts of code here).


Thats for the tip, i'll look closer into that what you suggested. I guess that is good idea, but as i said i dont have too much experience with threading. Would it work, if i would create separate threads in those classes, and they would both use same object, lets say object of class Message, i would create new object in a COM handling thread, and TCP/IP handling thread would use that object to send the data from it throu TCP/IP? Can i make a queue of objects of class Message just like i can do with List? Also, how do i pass that queue of objects created in one thread in class toanotherthread


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然后,您的串行通信对象可以处理与串行端口的通信、读取数据并将该数据放入队列中。TCP comms 对象可以处理连接、重新连接、断开连接等......并使用队列中的数据并将其发送到套接字并在网络上发送出去。


于 2013-10-02T14:25:37.730 回答