我有一组嵌套的 .net 类,具有不同的类型和继承。它试图模仿项目的行集合。其中一个类是 Cell 类,它包含对象类型的 Value 属性(任何东西都可以放在这里,甚至是其他嵌套的 Cells 或 Rows)。Cell 和 Row 类继承自基础 ItemComponent 类(复合模式)

我创建了一个自定义转换器来支持这一点,并且在使用 TypeNameHandling to All 之后,我得到了正确的对象类型的反序列化

我遇到的问题是嵌套单元格。当有一个单元格的值是另一个单元格或行时,在 Value 属性中,我只获取表示它的字符串,而不是填充值的序列化程序。到目前为止,这是我的代码

    public static object FromJson<T>(this string obj, T outputType)
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(obj, outputType as Type, new JsonConverter[1] { new ItemComponentJsonConverter() });

public abstract class CustomJsonConverterBase<T> : JsonConverter
    protected abstract T Create(Type objectType, JObject jsonObject);

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var jsonObject = JObject.Load(reader);
        var typeName = Type.GetType(jsonObject["$type"].ToString().Substring(0, jsonObject["$type"].ToString().IndexOf(',')));
        var target = Create(typeName ?? objectType, jsonObject);
        serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), target);
        // this is my attempt to make it work, but it doesn't. on first iteration it's populated, then I get a JObject with text again, and again
        if (target is Cell && (target as Cell).Value is JArray)
            var innerCell = (target as Cell).Value.ToString().Substring(1, (target as Cell).Value.ToString().Length - 2).FromJson(typeof(Cell));
            (target as Cell).Value = innerCell;
        return target;

    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);

public class ItemComponentJsonConverter : CustomJsonConverterBase<ItemComponent>
    protected override ItemComponent Create(Type objectType, JObject jsonObject)
        if (objectType == typeof(Row))
            return new Row();
        if (objectType == typeof(Entity))
            return new Entity();
        if (objectType == typeof(Cell))
            return new Cell();
        return (ItemComponent)Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);


单元格 .Value -> 实体 .childItems 行 .childItems 单元格 .Value -> 124


  "$type": "Arda.Lib.Models.Core.Cell, Arda.Lib",
  "childItems": {
    "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Arda.Lib.Models.Core.ItemComponent, Arda.Lib]], mscorlib",
    "$values": []
  "Value": {
    "$type": "Arda.Lib.Models.Core.Entity, Arda.Lib",
    "childItems": {
      "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Arda.Lib.Models.Core.ItemComponent, Arda.Lib]], mscorlib",
      "$values": [
          "$type": "Arda.Lib.Models.Core.Row, Arda.Lib",
          "childItems": {
            "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Arda.Lib.Models.Core.ItemComponent, Arda.Lib]], mscorlib",
            "$values": [
                "$type": "Arda.Lib.Models.Core.Cell, Arda.Lib",
                "childItems": {
                  "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Arda.Lib.Models.Core.ItemComponent, Arda.Lib]], mscorlib",
                  "$values": []
                "Value": 124,
                "Id": 247,

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