这就是上下文。假设我有一个函数需要 2 个实验的元组并根据规则列表对其进行测试。只要实验的元组被某个规则正确验证,该函数就应该停止。
type exp = A | B | Mix of exp * exp | Var of string
type sufficency = exp * exp
type rule = Rule of sufficency * (sufficency list)
let rec findout rules (exp1, exp2) = // return a boolean value
match rules with
| [] -> true
| thisRule::remaining ->
match thisRule with
| (suff, condition) ->
match suff with
| (fstExp, sndExp) ->
let map1 = unify Map.empty exp1 fstExp // I don't mention this function in here, but it is defined in my code
let map2 = unify Map.empty exp2 sndExp
findout remaining (exp1, exp2)
警告 FS0020:此表达式的类型应为“单位”,但类型为“布尔”。使用 'ignore' 丢弃表达式的结果,或使用 'let' 将结果绑定到名称。