我有一个基本的 vbs 代码来在第一个下划线处拆分文件名。例如:t_e_s_t 变为 t。我不想拆分文件名,我想删除由“。”组成的文件名注释。“_”和空格。
Option Explicit
Dim strPath
Dim fil
Dim strOldName
Dim strNewName
Dim strFileParts
'Define the path to the file
strPath = inputbox("File path:")
'Create the instance of the FSO
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set the folder you want to search. NOTE - some antivirus may not like this
Set FLD = FSO.GetFolder(strPath)
'Loop through each file in the folder
For Each fil in FLD.Files
'Get complete file name with path
strOldName = fil.Path
'Check the file has an underscore in the name
If InStr(strOldName, "_") > 0 Then
'Split the file on the underscore so we can get everything before it
strFileParts = Split(strOldName, "_")
'Build the new file name with everything before the
'first under score plus the extension
strNewName = strFileParts(0) & ".txt"
'Use the MoveFile method to rename the file
FSO.MoveFile strOldName, strNewName
End If
'Cleanup the objects
Set FLD = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing