I'm trying to find out the specifics about app size limits for PhoneGap Apps. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information and I was looking for something up to date.

I've looked at this question: phonegap IOS application size and between it and a few other sites that I've seen it looks like I can use PhoneGap Build for apps up to 10-15MB, or a native app through xCode up to 2GB, but I've been unable to ascertain whether there is a size limit for PhoneGap Apps built through xCode using the PhoneGap/Cordova libraries.

I'm looking into options for the distribution of an app and need to decide whether the app is distributed with links to streaming videos (Vimeo) - app size ~40MB or whether to include the videos as part of the distributed application - app size ~600MB.

Thanks for your time and help.




1 回答 1


您通过 Xcode 在本地构建的 PhoneGap 应用程序具有与本机应用程序完全相同的大小限制。当前限制为 2GBytes - 请参阅以下内容:

iOS 应用程序的最大大小

PhoneGap Build 施加其自身限制的唯一原因是因为它是基于 Web/云的服务。

于 2013-10-02T05:36:18.993 回答