I have the following test case. I am having issue with @Rollback(false). It is not working. But the junit works fine. I am using mongodb.
I tried to debug the code and I could dee the data in the database. But after the unit test case completes the data is not persisting in the db.
public class CustomerRepositoryIntegrationTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {
CustomerRepository repository;
public void savesCustomerCorrectly() {
EmailAddress email = new EmailAddress("alicia@keys.com");
Customer dave = new Customer("Alicia", "Keys");
dave.add(new Address("27 Broadway", "New York", "United States"));
Customer result = repository.save(dave);
assertThat(result.getId(), is(notNullValue()));
The other class is :
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { ApplicationConfig.class })
public abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest {
Mongo mongo;
public void setUp() {
DB database = mongo.getDB("e-store");
// Customers
DBCollection customers = database.getCollection("customer");
customers.remove(new BasicDBObject());
BasicDBObject address = new BasicDBObject();
address.put("city", "New York");
address.put("street", "Broadway");
address.put("country", "United States");
BasicDBList addresses = new BasicDBList();
DBObject dave = new BasicDBObject("firstname", "Dave");
dave.put("lastname", "Matthews");
dave.put("email", "dave@dmband.com");
dave.put("addresses", addresses);
// Products
DBCollection products = database.getCollection("product");
DBObject iPad = new BasicDBObject("name", "iPad");
iPad.put("description", "Apple tablet device");
iPad.put("price", 499.0);
iPad.put("attributes", new BasicDBObject("connector", "plug"));
DBObject macBook = new BasicDBObject("name", "MacBook Pro");
macBook.put("description", "Apple notebook");
macBook.put("price", 1299.0);
BasicDBObject dock = new BasicDBObject("name", "Dock");
dock.put("description", "Dock for iPhone/iPad");
dock.put("price", 49.0);
dock.put("attributes", new BasicDBObject("connector", "plug"));
products.insert(iPad, macBook, dock);
// Orders
DBCollection orders = database.getCollection("order");
// Line items
DBObject iPadLineItem = new BasicDBObject("product", iPad);
iPadLineItem.put("amount", 2);
DBObject macBookLineItem = new BasicDBObject("product", macBook);
macBookLineItem.put("amount", 1);
BasicDBList lineItems = new BasicDBList();
DBObject order = new BasicDBObject("customer", new DBRef(database, "customer", dave.get("_id")));
order.put("lineItems", lineItems);
order.put("shippingAddress", address);
Any pointer would help.