我正在使用 scala 2.10 和 Akka 2.2.1 在 ubuntu 12.04 下开发 eclipse。
// A and B are derived from Node
val algorithm = if(args(0) > 1)()=> new A else ()=> new B
/* alternative:
val algorithm = if(args(0) > 1) (()=> system.actorOf(Props(new A), name ="A") )
else (()=> system.actorOf(Props(new B),name="B"))
// alternative : class work(algorithm: ()=>ActorRef, num:Int) {
class work(algorithm: ()=> Node, num: Int){
val a = Array.fill(num)(algorithm) // here I wanna create an array with num slots
// and objects of A or B in it
val rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
val randomNode = a(rand.nextInt(5))
def find (x:Int): Array[ActorRef]{....}
def receive = {
case Rumor =>
a.foreach(ref=> ref !Init(index, find(x), self))
randomNode ! Rumor
case _ => println(...)
我创建了一个包含 Actor 或 ActorRef 的数组(我不确定我可以在 Akka 中使用哪一个)。但日食报告
case Rumor =>
a.foreach(ref=> ref !Init(index, find(x), self))
randomNode ! Rumor