How do I go about implementing an admissable heuristic function for a pacman game such that it finds the shortest path from a given location that includes multiple goals(all remaining dots). Currently i'm using an A* search with manhattan distances as the heuristic. I take the sum of all manhattan distances from a node to every remaining dot that has not yet been eaten and that is my H(n). The algorithm takes extremely long to complete and i'm not really sure about how to tiebreak.


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好吧,我假设您正在学习 edX 人工智能课程。


根据网格的大小和它的稀疏程度,您可以做的是从 pacman 的当前位置运行 BFS 以找到最近的颗粒。然后,您可以将该距离用作可接受的启发式方法。

于 2013-10-05T18:09:47.457 回答