我编写了这个函数来为卡片样式布局创建“显示更多”功能。我最初把它写在一个 click 函数中,但后来范围发生了变化,我需要将命令移动到它们自己的函数中,现在动画非常卡顿,无法忽略。我有一种感觉,它与动画时的变量更新有关并导致冲突,但我不确定如何绕过它或在取一个高度后将变量设置为常数。
//This function removes the reveal more trigger and slides "new-deals" down to auto height
function revealMore() {
var containerHt = $("#new-deals").children().height; //set animation height for "reveal more" function
//Reveal More function which handles animating container height to that of contained elements and removes the reveal more trigger element
if (($("#new-deals").height) >= containerHt) {
$("#new-deals").animate({height: containerHt}, 400, function() {
$("#new-deals").css({height: 'auto'});
$(".reveal-more a").click( function() {
return false;