I am working on an application that is very JavaScript heavy. I'm concerned about runtime performance. I'm currently using the "record heap allocations" profiling feature in Google Chrome. My question is, if I am supporting users that will be viewing this app on iOS and Android devices, what is a reasonable acceptable level of memory usage?

Thank you so much


1 回答 1


说真的 - 不超过 50 mb - 你的手机有 2gb,但其中大部分将由 Android 上的操作系统使用。我的 SGS3 有 1gb 内存,但只有 200mb 可供应用程序免费使用,其余部分由操作系统占用。如果我们假设 Chrome 移动版需要另外 50 mb,那么您的内存非常紧张

于 2013-10-01T21:30:54.957 回答