I'm having trouble with my looped statement and can't get it to properly execute without it reverting to the original looped condition. Also if I want my final output to include pricing values for the total number of products bought how would I achieve this?
FINAL OUTPUT DESIRED: Customer purchases all 9 items
Please enter your name: John Smith
- gPod shuffle $49
- gPod Touch $299
- gPad Mini $329
- gPad 2 $399
- gPhone $199
- gMac $1299
- MacNovel Pro $1199
- MacNovel Air $999
- MiniMac $599
- Complete my order
Please select an item from the menu above: 5
Please select another item from the menu above: 2
Please select another item from the menu above: 7
Please select another item from the menu above: 9
Please select another item from the menu above: 3
Please select another item from the menu above: 4
Please select another item from the menu above: 6
Please select another item from the menu above: 1
Please select another item from the menu above: 8
Please select another item from the menu above: 10 Thank you for ordering with Grapefruit Company, John Smith
Total items ordered: 9
Price of items ordered: $5371
Sales tax: $349.115
Total amount due: $5720.115
Here is my code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Declare Variables
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
String CustomerName;
int gpodShuffle = 1;
int gpodTouch = 2;
int gpadMini = 3;
int gpadTwo = 4;
int gphone = 5;
int gmac = 6;
int macnovelPro = 7;
int macnovelAir = 8;
int miniMac = 9;
int nNumber = 0;
int nProducts = 0;
int nTotal = 0;
//Declare Constants
final int SENTINEL = 10;
final double SALES_TAX = 6.5;
final int GPOD_SHUFFLE = 49;
final int GPOD_TOUCH = 299;
final int GPAD_MINI = 329;
final int GPAD_TWO = 399;
final int GPHONE = 199;
final int GMAC = 1299;
final int MAC_NOVELPRO = 1199;
final int MAC_NOVELAIR = 999;
final int MINI_MAC = 599;
//Prompt user to enter name
System.out.println("Please enter your name: ");
//Enter user name
CustomerName = input.nextLine();
//Print Blank Line
//Begin Product Listing
System.out.println("GRAPEFRUIT PRODUCT:");
System.out.println("1. gPod shuffle $49");
System.out.println("2. gPod Touch $299");
System.out.println("3. gPad Mini $329");
System.out.println("4. gPad 2 $399");
System.out.println("5. gPhone $199");
System.out.println("6. gMac $1299");
System.out.println("7. MacNovel Pro $1199");
System.out.println("8. MacNovel Air $999");
System.out.println("9. MiniMac $599");
System.out.println("10. Complete my order");
//Keep reading until the input is 10
while (nNumber != SENTINEL) {
//Calculate entered items
nTotal = nTotal + nNumber;
System.out.println("\nPlease select an item from the menu above: ");
//Read number entered by the user
nNumber = input.nextInt();
if (nNumber == SENTINEL)
System.out.println("Thank you for ordering with Grapefruit Company, " + CustomerName);
else if (nNumber != SENTINEL)
System.out.println("Please select another item from the menu above: ");
} //End Loop
//Process selections entered by the user
//Increment count
//Print blank line to screen
//Total amount of product ordered
System.out.println("Total items ordered: ");
//Total price of items ordered
System.out.println("Price of items ordered: ");
//Sales tax associated with the purchase
System.out.println("Sales tax: " + SALES_TAX);
//Total amount due by the customer to Grapefruit Co.
System.out.println("Total amount due: ");