我有一个 MVC3 项目,我想在其中使用自定义验证属性进行客户端和服务器端处理。我已经按照http://thewayofcode.wordpress.com/2012/01/18/custom-unobtrusive-jquery-validation-with-data-annotations-in-mvc-3/中的步骤进行操作。那是一个很棒的教程,它实际上工作得很好。

我遇到的唯一问题是我的验证似乎在提交表单之后才触发。我有客户端和服务器端验证。服务器端验证是验证属性和自定义验证的组合(例如,有时我必须根据数据库中的某些内容检查输入值)。当我第一次单击表单上的保存按钮(使用 Ajax.BeginForm)时,帖子发生在服务器上,服务器端验证启动并返回验证消息,因为输入无效。如果我将表单输入保持原样并再次单击“保存”按钮,则客户端验证将正常工作并阻止发布。



    public class RequiredIfContainsAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable
        private RequiredAttribute _innerAttribute = new RequiredAttribute();

        public string DependentProperty { get; set; }
        public string ComparisonValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfContainsAttribute(string dependentProperty, string comparisonValue)
            DependentProperty = dependentProperty;
            ComparisonValue = comparisonValue;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            // get a reference to the property this validation depends upon
            var containerType = validationContext.ObjectInstance.GetType();
            var field = containerType.GetProperty(DependentProperty);

            if (field != null)
                // get the value of the dependent property
                var dependentValue = field.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

                // this validation only works if the comparison field is a string
                if (dependentValue.GetType() != typeof(string))
                    return ValidationResult.Success;

                var dependentString = (string) dependentValue;

                // check whether the string to check contains the comparison value
                if (dependentString.Contains(ComparisonValue))
                    // if the string to check contains the comparison value, the attribute becomes required and must now be validated
                    if (!_innerAttribute.IsValid(value))
                        // validation failed - return an error
                        return new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage, new[] {validationContext.MemberName});

            return ValidationResult.Success;

        public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata,
                                                                           ControllerContext context)
            var rule = new ModelClientValidationRule()
                    ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.GetDisplayName()),
                    ValidationType = "requiredifcontains"

            var depProp = BuildDependentPropertyId(metadata, context as ViewContext);

            rule.ValidationParameters.Add("dependentproperty", depProp);
            rule.ValidationParameters.Add("comparisonvalue", ComparisonValue);

            yield return rule;

        private string BuildDependentPropertyId(ModelMetadata metadata, ViewContext viewContext)
            string depProp = viewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId(DependentProperty);

            var thisField = metadata.PropertyName + "_";
            if (depProp.StartsWith(thisField))
                // strip it off again
                depProp = depProp.Substring(thisField.Length);

            return depProp;


    [RequiredIfContains("FirstName", "Mickey", ErrorMessage = "The date of birth is required when the first name is Mickey")]
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

我的自定义 js 添加验证器:

function (value, element, parameters) {
    console.log("requiredifcontains starting");
    var id = '#' + parameters['dependentproperty'];

    // get the target value (as a string, 
    // as that's what actual value will be)
    var comparisonvalue = parameters['comparisonvalue'];
    comparisonvalue =
      (comparisonvalue == null ? '' : comparisonvalue).toString();

    // get the actual value of the target control
    // note - this probably needs to cater for more 
    // control types, e.g. radios
    var control = $(id);
    var inputValue = 'empty';
    if (control.is('input:text')) {
        inputValue = control.text();
    } else if (control.is('select')) {
        inputValue = $(id + " option:selected").text();

    // if the input control wasn't found (possibly because the type wasn't checked for) then we can't compare so just return true
    if (inputValue == 'empty') {
        return true;

    // if the condition is true, reuse the existing 
    // required field validator functionality
    console.log("requiredifcontains performing underlying validation");
    if (inputValue.indexOf(comparisonvalue) > -1)
        return $.validator.methods.required.call(
          this, value, element, parameters);

    console.log("requiredifcontains returning true");
    return true;

['dependentproperty', 'comparisonvalue'],
function (options) {
    options.rules['requiredifcontains'] = {
        dependentproperty: options.params['dependentproperty'],
        targetvalue: options.params['comparisonvalue']
    options.messages['requiredifcontains'] = options.message;


var options = new AjaxOptions()
        HttpMethod = "Post",
        UpdateTargetId = "personalInfoDiv",
        OnSuccess = "FormSubmitSuccess()"

<div id="personalInfoDiv">
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("PersonalInformationDetail", "PersonalInformation", null, options, new {@style = "height:100%", @id = "PersonalInformationForm"}))
    <div style="float:left; position:relative;">
        <input type="button" value="Save" style="width:125px;" id="Save" onclick="saveClick(this)" />

Save click 的 javascript 和 on success 方法:

function saveClick(e) {
var firstName = $("#FirstName").val();
var result = true;
if (firstName == '') {
    result = confirm("First name is not required but is recommended.  Choose OK to save anyway or CANCEL to add a first name.");

if (result) {

function FormSubmitSuccess(result) {
// do some stuff after the form submits

我一直在寻找这个,我发现的大多数解决方案都是与我的问题相反的解决方案。我已经记录了 form.validate() 的结果,我看到第一次单击保存时没有错误,但第二次(在发布之后)出现错误。




1 回答 1


我不确定它为什么第二次起作用,为了使客户端验证起作用,您需要通过返回 false 或在saveClick()方法中执行 e.preventDefault() 来防止提交表单。

于 2014-01-06T16:02:34.257 回答