我做了与 Alexander Simonov 类似的事情,但可能更简单。这个想法是(正如我在评论中所说)在基类中只有一个 Clone()
基类的 s。
正确类型的创建留给 C# MemberwiseClone()
using System;
namespace CloneImplDemo
// dummy data class
class DeepDataT : ICloneable
public int i;
public object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); }
class Base: ICloneable
protected virtual Base CloneImpl()
// Neat: Creates the type of whatever object is calling.
// Also obviates the need for default constructors
// (Neither Derived1T nor Derived2T have one.)
return (Base)MemberwiseClone();
public object Clone()
// Calls whatever CloneImpl the
// actual calling type implements.
return CloneImpl();
// Note: No Clone() re-implementation
class Derived1T : Base
public Derived1T(int i) { der1Data.i = i; }
public DeepDataT der1Data = new DeepDataT();
protected override Base CloneImpl()
Derived1T cloned = (Derived1T)base.CloneImpl();
cloned.der1Data = (DeepDataT)der1Data.Clone();
return cloned;
// Note: No Clone() re-implementation.
class Derived2T : Derived1T
public Derived2T(int i1, int i2) : base(i1)
der2Data.i = i2;
public string txt = string.Empty; // copied by MemberwiseClone()
public DeepDataT der2Data = new DeepDataT();
protected override Base CloneImpl()
Derived2T cloned = (Derived2T)base.CloneImpl();
// base members have been taken care of in the base impl.
// we only add our own stuff.
cloned.der2Data = (DeepDataT)der2Data.Clone();
return cloned;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var obj1 = new Derived2T(1,2);
obj1.txt = "this is obj1";
var obj2 = (Derived2T)obj1.Clone();
obj2.der2Data.i++; // changes value.
obj2.txt = "this is a deep copy"; // replaces reference.
// the values for i should differ because
// we performed a deep copy of the DeepDataT members.
Console.WriteLine("obj1 txt, i1, i2: " + obj1.txt + ", " + obj1.der1Data.i + ", " + obj1.der2Data.i);
Console.WriteLine("obj2 txt, i1, i2: " + obj2.txt + ", " + obj2.der1Data.i + ", " + obj2.der2Data.i);
obj1 txt, i1, i2: this is obj1, 1, 2
obj2 txt, i1, i2: this is a deep copy, 2, 3