我编写了一个非常简单的 python 脚本,如果匹配过滤器,它会拉入推文并打开 GPIO。我在家里试过,效果很好,但是,在大学网络上,它似乎无法连接到 twitter。
大学网络的详细信息是 WIRELESS SSID: Uni-WiFi WPA2 Enterprise
它使用 PEAP (MSCHAPv2) 进行连接,这意味着我需要输入我的大学用户名和密码。目前网络已连接,我可以浏览互联网,但是当我启动 python 脚本时出现错误:
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
这是完整的 python 脚本 - 如果有任何机构可以提供帮助,那就太棒了,这需要尽快提交!
#!/usr/bin/env python
import twitter
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO ## Import GPIO library
import time ## Import 'time' library. Allows us to use 'sleep'
from termcolor import colored
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) ## Use board pin numbering
#My app keys and secrets
OAUTH_TOKEN = '528854Jaudhna2K36g4y79oiwUq'
FILTER_TAG = u'art' # Can also be just text, like u'idol', but expect a lot more results!
# We want a continuous stream of events which match a given tag, so we need to use the streaming API.
twitter_stream = twitter.TwitterStream(auth=twitter.OAuth(OAUTH_TOKEN,OAUTH_SECRET,CONSUMER_KEY,CONSUMER_SECRET))
# Now, we don't want every single tweet from the stream, so we'll filter to include only specific text, or a specific tag.
iterator = twitter_stream.statuses.filter(track = FILTER_TAG)
# Now, iterator is a generator which yields a new tweet whenever it sees one. We need to loop over it forever.
for tweet in iterator:
print colored(tweet.get(u'user', {}).get(u'name'), 'white', 'on_red'), colored(tweet.get(u'text'), 'cyan')
if "hate" in tweet.get(u'text', u'fake_text_that_never_matches'): # Now, you need to light up the light for 5 seconds, then shut it off.
print colored("Switch turned ON!", "red", 'on_yellow')
GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(7,True)## Switch on pin 7
time.sleep(5)## Wait
GPIO.output(7,False)## Switch off pin 7
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"