这是有效的applescript,只需将剪贴板中的内容保存到桌面ABC.jpg 文件。
property fileTypes : {¬
{JPEG picture, ".jpg"}, ¬
{TIFF picture, ".tiff"}, ¬
{GIF picture, ".gif"}, ¬
{«class PDF », ".pdf"}, ¬
{«class RTF », ".rtf"}}
set theType to getType()
if theType is not missing value then
set myPath to (path to desktop folder as text) & (first item of theType) & (second item of theType)
set myFile to (open for access myPath with write permission)
set eof myFile to 0
write (the clipboard as (first item of theType)) to myFile -- as whatever
close access myFile
return (POSIX path of myPath)
on error
close access myFile
end try
return ""
end try
return ""
end if
on getType()
repeat with aType in fileTypes -- find the first match in the list
repeat with theInfo in (clipboard info)
if (first item of theInfo) is equal to (first item of aType) then return aType
end repeat
end repeat
return missing value
end getType