我必须使用 3 个表创建一个存储过程,第一个是注册表、求职者表、就业详细信息表。因为我在第一个两个表中有条目。到目前为止,我在就业详细信息表中没有任何条目。


select RD.FirstName,RD.LastName,
(select case when JR.profileHeadline=''
then 'No Resume Headline mentioned' 
else JR.profileHeadline end
from jobseekerReg JR)as profileHeadline ,
(select case when ED.designation=''
then 'No designation mentioned'
else ED.designation end
from employmentDetail ED)as designation,
(select case when ED.companyName=''
then 'No company name mentioned'
else ED.companyName end
from employmentDetail ED) as companyName,JR.location,
(select case when ED.funcArea=''
then 'No functional area mentioned'
else ED.funcArea end
from employmentDetail ED) as funcArea ,
(select case when ED.cmpIndustry=''
then 'No industry mentioned'
else ED.cmpIndustry end
from employmentDetail ED)as cmpIndustry,RD.BirthDay,
(select case when ED.salary=''
then 'No salary mentioned'
else ED.salary end
from employmentDetail ED)as salary ,JR.mobileNumber,JR.emailId,
(select case when JR.keySkills=''
then 'No keyskills mentioned'
else JR.keySkills end
from jobseekerReg JR)as keySkills
from RegistrationDetails RD join jobseekerReg JR on RD.Reg_Id=JR.regId
left outer join employmentDetail ED on ED.regId=JR.regId 
and ED.regId=2  where RD.Reg_Id=JR.regId and RD.Reg_Id=2 and JR.regId=2

上面的查询给了我正确的输出,但问题是我在就业表中没有任何 regId=2 的条目,该表中的列将输出为空。我应该如何处理这个问题?建议我任何解决方案提前谢谢。


1 回答 1

CASE WHEN ED.Salary IS NULL THEN 'No salary mentioned' ELSE ED.Salary END


select RD.FirstName,RD.LastName,
ISNULL(JR.profileHeadline, 'No Resume Headline mentioned') as profileHeadline ,
ISNULL(ED.designation, 'No designation mentioned') as designation,
ISNULL(ED.companyName, 'No company name mentioned')  as companyName, 
ISNULL(ED.funcArea, 'No functional area mentioned') as funcArea ,
ISNULL(ED.cmpIndustry, 'No industry mentioned') as cmpIndustry,
RD.Gender, JR.experience,
ISNULL(ED.salary, 'No salary mentioned' as salary ,
ISNULL(JR.keySkills, 'No keyskills mentioned') as keySkills
from RegistrationDetails RD join jobseekerReg JR on RD.Reg_Id=JR.regId
left outer join employmentDetail ED on ED.regId=JR.regId 
and ED.regId=2  where RD.Reg_Id=JR.regId and RD.Reg_Id=2 and JR.regId=2
于 2013-10-01T08:18:49.033 回答