我将 DateTime 值从使用的视图传递回[HttpPost]控制器。我在控制器中有另一种方法,我也想要 HttpPost 方法的结果。或者我可以将 HttpPost 传递回视图。

我想要的是从 HttpPost 方法的表单中显示 LINQ 的值。


  public ActionResult Index()

        ViewBag.Message = "Real Time Production";

        DateTime ShiftStart = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
        DateTime StartShift = ShiftStart.AddHours(7);
        DateTime EndDate = StartShift.AddDays(1);
            var PumaProduct =
            PumaCastGood =
                (from item in db.tbl_dppITHr
                 where item.ProductionHour >= StartShift && item.ProductionHour <= EndDate
                 select item).Sum(x => x.PumaCastGross) ?? 0,

            PumaScrap =
                (from item in db.tbl_dppITHr
                 where item.ProductionHour >= StartShift && item.ProductionHour <= EndDate
                 select item).Sum(x => x.PumaScrap) ?? 0,

            PumaMachined =
            from item in db.tbl_dppITHr
            where item.ProductionHour >= StartShift && item.ProductionHour <= EndDate
            select item).Sum(x => x.PumaMachined) ?? 0,

            PumaHeatTreat =
            from item in db.tbl_dppITHr
            where item.ProductionHour >= StartShift && item.ProductionHour <= EndDate
            select item).Sum(x => x.ATIPuma) ?? 0,

            PumaShipped =
            from item in db.tbl_dppITHr
            where item.ProductionHour >= StartShift && item.ProductionHour <= EndDate
            select item).Sum(x => x.PumaShipped) ?? 0,
            ViewData["PumaCastGood"] = PumaProduct.PumaCastGood;
            ViewData["PumaCastScrap"] = PumaProduct.PumaScrap;
            ViewData["PumaMachined"] = PumaProduct.PumaMachined;
            ViewData["PumaShipped"] = PumaProduct.PumaShipped;
            ViewData["PumaHeatTreat"] = PumaProduct.PumaHeatTreat;

以下是我想传递给 ActionResult 索引或与 Index 方法中的项目一起传递给视图的 HttpPost 方法。

    public ActionResult GetSigmaDateInfo(string dp)
        DateTime SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dp);
        DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftStart = SelectedDate.AddHours(7);
        DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftEnd = SelectedDate.AddHours(19);

        var SigmaData =

            from n in db.tbl_dppITHr
            where n.ProductionHour >= SelectedDateDayShiftStart
            where n.ProductionHour <= SelectedDateDayShiftEnd
            select n;

        return View();


我已经尝试过在方法之间传递方法值的普通 C# 方法。


5 回答 5




如果您的意图是在动作之间重定向,请使用上面的 Moho 答案。这自然会导致浏览器往返。在此往返过程中,您的 ViewBag 将丢失,但您始终可以使用 TempData。




如果您的意图是从 GetSigmaDateInfo 操作返回索引视图,您所要做的就是更改最后的 return 语句,如下所示:

return View("Index");  //Or substitute the name of the desired view

这避免了浏览器的第二次往返,并保留了您的 ViewBag。Index 视图可以检查 GetSigmaDateInfo 设置的任何 ViewBag 值,因此无需直接传递数据。






public ActionResult Index()
    //Perform action-specific validation and logic here
    var result = DBHelper.GetSigmaData();  //Not sure what your intention is here
    ViewBag.SigmaData = result;
    //Do something with the result here
    return View();

public ActionResult GetSigmaDateInfo(string dp)
    //Perform action-specific validation and logic here
    var result = DBHelper.GetSigmaData(dp);
    ViewBag.SigmaData = result;
    //Do something with the result here
    return View();


static internal class DBHelper
    static public DateTime GetSigmaData(string dp = null)
        DateTime SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dp);
        DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftStart = SelectedDate.AddHours(7);
        DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftEnd = SelectedDate.AddHours(19);

        var SigmaData =
            from n in db.tbl_dppITHr
            where n.ProductionHour >= SelectedDateDayShiftStart
            where n.ProductionHour <= SelectedDateDayShiftEnd
            select n;

        return SigmaData;

使用这种方法可以避免修改 Index 方法以接受可选参数。你可能不想这样做。如果您更改 Index 方法,则会更改您向最终用户公开的调用类型。

于 2013-10-07T17:34:37.857 回答

您是否尝试将 GetSigmaDateInfo 中计算的 SigmaData 值传递给 Index 方法?如果那是您要尝试做的事情,那么沿着这些思路应该可以工作。

public ActionResult Index(SigmaData SigmaData = null)
    if(SigmaData == null){
        //Handle the case where the call is coming straight from routing engine
        //Handle the case where the call is coming from GetSigmaDateInfo()
    //Code common to both cases
    return view("GetSigmaDateInfo");

public ActionResult GetSigmaDateInfo(string dp)
    DateTime SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dp);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftStart = SelectedDate.AddHours(7);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftEnd = SelectedDate.AddHours(19);

    var SigmaData =
        from n in db.tbl_dppITHr
        where n.ProductionHour >= SelectedDateDayShiftStart
        where n.ProductionHour <= SelectedDateDayShiftEnd
        select n;
    return Index(SigmaData);


如果我有什么问题,请在评论中告诉我,我会尝试从那里修复代码。在相关说明中,我敦促您考虑使用强类型视图,而不是在 ViewBag 或 ViewData 中发送信息。

于 2013-10-04T12:22:59.507 回答

Just put this data into ViewBag or ViewData, and use it in the view and done:


public ActionResult GetSigmaDateInfo(string dp)
    DateTime SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dp);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftStart = SelectedDate.AddHours(7);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftEnd = SelectedDate.AddHours(19);

    var SigmaData =
        from n in db.tbl_dppITHr
        where n.ProductionHour >= SelectedDateDayShiftStart
        where n.ProductionHour <= SelectedDateDayShiftEnd
        select n;

    ViewBag.SigmaData = SigmaData;

    return View();


@if(ViewBag.SigmaData != null)
  //Show the value somewhere in the view
于 2013-10-04T11:04:27.957 回答


public ActionResult Index( IEnumerable<tbl_dppITHr> p = null )
    // existing code

    if( null != p )
        // new code to hand the case then you pass the parm from GetSigmaDateInfo(...)

    // maybe more existing code

然后更改GetSigmaDateInfo以返回带有参数的 RedirectToAction 结果

public ActionResult GetSigmaDateInfo(string dp)
    DateTime SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dp);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftStart = SelectedDate.AddHours(7);
    DateTime SelectedDateDayShiftEnd = SelectedDate.AddHours(19);

    var SigmaData =
        from n in db.tbl_dppITHr
        where n.ProductionHour >= SelectedDateDayShiftStart
        where n.ProductionHour <= SelectedDateDayShiftEnd
        select n;

    return RedirectToAction( "Index", new { p = SigmaData.ToList() } );
于 2013-10-05T04:54:48.987 回答

调用索引视图传递 TempData["SigmaData"] = SigmaData;

return View("Index");

在视图中检查是否SigmaData 为空

@if(TempData["SigmaData"] != null)
  //your POST method code
  //your GET method code
于 2013-10-04T11:35:24.277 回答