I have 2 classes, one a ViewModels that stores an ObservableCollection<T> dataSource and a method LoadMore() which adds 10 new items per request. The other class is xaml.cs to get the data from dataSource using LoadMore().

When I try to get new data using the code below it doesn't seem to update the Count property of dataSource, because it is always 10 items. I already tried using instance object and static class. How could I fix it?

ViewModels itemSource = new ViewModels();

if (itemSource.dataSource.Count == 100) // <=== .Count = 10
    max_id += 10;

if (itemSource.dataSource.Count == 100) // <=== Problem here .Count always 10, never growing up

Sample of ViewModels class like this

public class ViewModels
    public ObservableCollection<Model> dataSource{ get; private set; }
    public ViewModels()
         dataSource= new ObservableCollection<Model>();

    public void LoadMore(int max_id)
        (Get.Data(max_id)).ForEach(d=> dataSource.Add(d));


1 回答 1


找到了,执行 itemSource.dataSource.Count 时 ObservableCollection.Add() 方法没有完成。现在修复。

于 2013-10-01T11:32:52.833 回答