我需要修改一些 Coffeescript 以包含 HTTP 请求的超时。下面是代码。我尝试向 requestOptions 字典添加“超时”属性,但没有运气!
以下是您也可以在 Github 上找到的代码(https://github.com/pcrawfor/iap_verifier/blob/master/src/iap_verifier.coffee#L144)
Verifies an In App Purchase receipt string against Apple's servers
receipt - the receipt string
isBase64 - Is the receipt already encoded in base64? Optional, defaults to false.
cb - callback function that will return the status code and results for the verification call
verifyReceipt: (receipt, isBase64, cb) ->
if cb is undefined
cb = isBase64
isBase64 = false
data =
'receipt-data': ""
@verifyWithRetry(data, receipt, isBase64, cb)
Verify with retry will automatically call the Apple Sandbox verification server in the event that a 21007 error code is returned.
This error code is an indication that the app may be receiving app store review requests.
verifyWithRetry: (receiptData, receipt, isBase64, cb) ->
encoded = null
if isBase64
encoded = receipt
buffer = new Buffer(receipt)
encoded = buffer.toString('base64')
receiptData['receipt-data'] = encoded
@verify receiptData, @requestOptions(), (valid, msg, data) =>
# on a 21007 error retry the request for the Sandbox environment (if the current environment is Production)
if (21007 == data.status) && (@productionHost == @host)
# retry...
if @debug then console.log("Retry on Sandbox")
options = @requestOptions()
options.host = @sandboxHost
@verify receiptData, options, (valid, msg, data) ->
if @debug then console.log("STATUS #{data.status}")
cb(valid, msg, data)
if @debug then console.log "else"
cb(valid, msg, data)
verify the receipt data
verify: (data, options, cb) ->
if @debug then console.log("verify!")
post_data = JSON.stringify(data)
options.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': post_data.length
request = https.request options, (response) =>
if @debug then console.log("statusCode: #{response.statusCode}")
if @debug then console.log("headers: #{response.headers}")
apple_response_arr = []
response.on 'data', (data) =>
if @debug then console.log("data #{data}")
if response.statusCode != 200
if @debug then console.log("error: " + data)
return cb(false, "error", null)
response.on 'end', () =>
totalData = apple_response_arr.join('')
if @debug then console.log "end: apple response: #{totalData}"
responseData = JSON.parse(totalData)
@processStatus(responseData, cb)
response.on 'timeout', () =>
return cb(false, "error", null)
request.on 'error', (err) ->
if @debug then console.log("In App purchase verification error: #{err}")
processStatus: (data, cb) ->
# evaluate status code and take an action, write any new receipts to the database
if @debug then console.log("Process status #{data.status}")
#todo: check status code and react appropriately
response = @responseCodes[data.status]
# Try not to blow up if we encounter an unknown/unexepected status code
unless response
response =
valid: false
error: true
message: "Unknown status code: " + data.status
cb(response.valid, response.message, data)
requestOptions: ->
options =
host: @host
port: @port
path: @path
method: @method
# timeout: 100 // didn't work :(
module.exports = IAPVerifier