默认情况下,Maven 本地存储库默认为 .m2 文件夹:
Unix/Mac OS X – ~/.m2
Windows – C:\Documents and Settings\{user-name}\.m2 or C:\Users\{user-name}\.m2
但这是非常可配置的,通过 settings.xml settings.xml 的位置通常是:
{M2_HOME}\conf\setting.xml or {M2_HOME}\setting.xml
在 settings.xml 中,查找条目:
<!-- The default local repository or 'cache' is set to %HOME%\.m2\repository.
You can override the default by using the <localRepository> tag below. -->
<!-- <localRepository>C:\path\to\repository</localRepository> -->
<!-- Mirrors are defined here. "<mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf>" is set to catch any
additional repositories that appear, and instead use the AEDC Build
Repository. -->