由于这是第一个 Google Stack Overflow 结果,我将发布一个完整的、适用于客户端和服务器的示例。您可以从第一个开始。已验证在 Ubuntu 18.04 w/Python 3.6.9 上工作
# text_send_server.py
import socket
import select
import time
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 65439
ACK_TEXT = 'text_received'
def main():
# instantiate a socket object
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print('socket instantiated')
# bind the socket
sock.bind((HOST, PORT))
print('socket binded')
# start the socket listening
print('socket now listening')
# accept the socket response from the client, and get the connection object
conn, addr = sock.accept() # Note: execution waits here until the client calls sock.connect()
print('socket accepted, got connection object')
myCounter = 0
while True:
message = 'message ' + str(myCounter)
print('sending: ' + message)
sendTextViaSocket(message, conn)
myCounter += 1
# end while
# end function
def sendTextViaSocket(message, sock):
# encode the text message
encodedMessage = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
# send the data via the socket to the server
# receive acknowledgment from the server
encodedAckText = sock.recv(1024)
ackText = encodedAckText.decode('utf-8')
# log if acknowledgment was successful
if ackText == ACK_TEXT:
print('server acknowledged reception of text')
print('error: server has sent back ' + ackText)
# end if
# end function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# text_receive_client.py
import socket
import select
import time
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 65439
ACK_TEXT = 'text_received'
def main():
# instantiate a socket object
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print('socket instantiated')
# connect the socket
connectionSuccessful = False
while not connectionSuccessful:
sock.connect((HOST, PORT)) # Note: if execution gets here before the server starts up, this line will cause an error, hence the try-except
print('socket connected')
connectionSuccessful = True
# end try
# end while
socks = [sock]
while True:
readySocks, _, _ = select.select(socks, [], [], 5)
for sock in readySocks:
message = receiveTextViaSocket(sock)
print('received: ' + str(message))
# end for
# end while
# end function
def receiveTextViaSocket(sock):
# get the text via the scoket
encodedMessage = sock.recv(1024)
# if we didn't get anything, log an error and bail
if not encodedMessage:
print('error: encodedMessage was received as None')
return None
# end if
# decode the received text message
message = encodedMessage.decode('utf-8')
# now time to send the acknowledgement
# encode the acknowledgement text
encodedAckText = bytes(ACK_TEXT, 'utf-8')
# send the encoded acknowledgement text
return message
# end function
if __name__ == '__main__':