,你将得到的结果log1000 = 2.9999999999999996
不是 3。
不影响结果准确性的情况下消除 JavaScript 函数中的舍入错误。在格式编号函数中,FormatNumber(strnum)
了哪个测试数字的“右尾”是否大于 epsilon(假设 epsilon 的值是 1e-9,如 C 中一样)
function FormatNumber(strnum) {
// asf - number format: automatic(0), scientific(1) or fixed(2) notation
// decimal - number of decimal places(0-15)
// First we must check if the right tail is bigger than epsilon
strnum = CheckEpsilon(strnum);
// And then we format the number
var x = parseFloat(strnum);
switch(asf) {
case 0: // auto
strnum = x.toPrecision();
case 1: // sci
strnum = x.toExponential(decimal);
case 2: // fix
strnum = x.toFixed(decimal);
return strnum;
function CheckEpsilon(strnum) {
// EPSILON - Difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable.
var epsilon = 1e-8;
var x = parseFloat(strnum);
var expnum = x.toExponential(17);
// Last 10 numbers before the exponent (9 if the number is negative)
// we turn in to a new decimal number ...
var y = parseFloat("0." + expnum.slice(9,19));
// and then we compare it to epsilon (1e-8)
// If y (or 1-y) is smaller than epsilon we round strnum
if (y<epsilon || (1-y)<epsilon) {
strnum = x.toExponential(10);
//and if it isn't, strnum is returned as normal
return strnum;
如果您对该功能的实际展示感兴趣,可以查看我制作的计算器(它是用 javascript 制作的,因此您可以轻松检查代码)。链接是:http ://www.periodni.com/calculator.html 。