我有一个可能包含三种不同文件类型的表。如果文件类型 A 存在,则选择 A,否则如果文件类型 B 存在并且没有具有相同 client_id 的类型 C,则选择 B,否则选择类型 C。

我在 Oracle 10g SQL 数据库中有下表:

file1 | A    | 1
file2 | B    | 1
file3 | C    | 1
file4 | B    | 2

对于那些想在家跟随的人,sqlfidde或 sql:

create table files (
  id varchar(8)  primary key,
  type varchar(4),
  client_id number
insert into files values ('file1', 'A', 1);
insert into files values ('file2', 'B', 1);
insert into files values ('file3', 'C', 1);
insert into files values ('file4', 'B', 2);


#1: file1, A, 1 (grab any As first)
#2: file4, B, 2 (grab any Bs who don't have any Cs with the same client_id)
#3: file3, C, 1 (grab any Cs)
#4: file2, B, 1 (same as run #2)


--file type 'A' selector
select * from files where type = 'A'
--file type 'B' selector
select * from files where type = 'B' and client_id = (
  select client_id from files group by client_id having count(*) = 1
--file type 'C' selector
select * from files where type = 'C'

我想检查每个之后返回的行数,如果它是 0,则使用下一个选择,但都在一个 SQL 语句中。


2 回答 2



select id, type, client_id
from (
  select t.*,
    case when type = 'a'then 1
      when type = 'b' and c_count = 0 then 2
      when type = 'c' then 3
    end as rnk
  from (
    select f.*,
      sum(case when type = 'a' then 1 else 0 end)
        over (partition by client_id) as a_count,
      sum(case when type = 'b' then 1 else 0 end)
        over (partition by client_id) as b_count,
      sum(case when type = 'c' then 1 else 0 end)
        over (partition by client_id) as c_count
    from files f
  ) t
order by rnk;

SQL Fiddle展示了如何建立最终结果。


select id, type, client_id
from (
  select t.*,
    dense_rank() over (
      order by case when type = 'a' then 1
        when type = 'b' and c_count = 0 then 2
        when type = 'c' then 3
      end, client_id) as rnk
  from (
    select f.*,
      sum(case when type = 'c' then 1 else 0 end)
        over (partition by client_id) as c_count
    from files f
  ) t
where rnk = 1;

更新了 SQL Fiddle,显示再次工作,因此您可以看到评估的顺序是您要求的。


于 2013-09-30T20:25:36.470 回答

所有这些逻辑实际上都可以按语句填充到 order by 中。这适用于您的 SQL 小提琴实例(感谢提供,没有它,这个答案就不会在一起)。您几乎要求 select * 具有有趣的 order by 语句。要通过(您的第二个条件,b 其中 c 不存在)执行此命令,我们也需要一个自加入。

select f.*
from files f
left join files a on a.client_id = f.client_id and f.type = 'b' and a.type = 'c'
order by 
case when f.type = 'a' then 1
  when f.type = 'b' and a.id is null then 2
  when f.type = 'c' then 3
  when f.type = 'b' and a.id is not null then 4
else 5 end
于 2013-09-30T20:23:28.670 回答