有谁知道是否有任何可用于 java 编辑器的“关闭所有选项卡以正确功能”的插件?

示例:喜欢 chrome 浏览器!


2 回答 2


This is monitored in bug 337588, and has just been closed (February 2015, by Andrey Loskutov (iloveeclipse), commit ca6d410 also visible on the GitHub mirror, code review), planed for Eclipse Mars 4.5 M6.

Added "Close Tabs To The Left" and "Close Tabs To The Right" menus to the tab area below "Close Others" and above "Close All".
The menus appear only if there is at least one tab on the appropriate side from the current tab.
Added extra separator before "Close All" to have visual highlight between close "some" and close "all" menus.


(picture from Lars Vogel's post on Google+)

于 2015-02-16T13:48:04.820 回答

开箱即用,我不相信。创建自定义命令以关闭所选编辑器的任一方向的编辑器并不难,但是从 Eclipse Juno 4.1 开始,我不相信有一个 API 允许您向上下文菜单贡献操作/命令视图或编辑器,但他们正在努力提供一个,这里是 Eclipse 错误跟踪系统中的功能请求的链接。

上下文菜单 API 贡献功能请求


希望有帮助 - 邓肯

于 2013-10-01T03:59:05.890 回答