方法中可能存在一些对我来说并不明显的问题。它可以分隔已经以正确格式(在循环的第一部分)的文件,但是在检查任何已修复的内容时似乎不起作用。似乎问题出在某个地方的循环中,而不是修复正则表达式(re.sub),因为我尝试了其他几种方法并得到了相同的结果(goodFix[] 为空)。这应该修复这些文件,但事实并非如此。
201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Lastname, Firstname.pdf
201308 (82608) MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Lname, Lee.txt
201308 - (12345) - ABC 2233L-007-course Name - last, first.txt
201308 - (12345) - XYZ 2233L-007-course Name 1 - last, first.txt
201308 - (82422) - MAA 5228-001- Introductory Analysis 1 - Zhang, Xiaodong.txt
201308 - (82429) - MAC 1105-004-College Algebra - Somelastname, Jesse.txt
201308 - (82490) - MAC 2311-003-Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1 - Lastname, Heinrich.txt
201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Lname, Lee.txt
201308 - (82609) - MAC 2233L-007-Methods of Calculus 1 - Lname, Lee.txt
201308 - (96144) - STA 3173-001 - Introduction to Biostatistics - Qian, Lianfen.txt
201308 - (96381) - MAT 1033-023 -I ntemediate Algebra - Escuder, Ana.txt
201308 - (96444) - MAC 2313-009 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3 - Locke, Stephen.txt
@ 201308 - @ ' ; ,, @ 45 - 12 - xyz - mno - 123.txt
请注意,上面的“Qian, Escuder, Locke”是应更正为正确格式而不是正确格式的文件示例。
def readDir(path1):
return [ f for f in os.listdir(path1) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path1,f)) ]
def checkProper(f,term):
return re.match(term + '\s-\s\(\d{5}\)\s-\s\w{3}\s\d{4}\w?-\d{3}-[^\.]+\s-\s[^\.]+\.txt', f)
def regexSubFix(f,term):
return re.sub(term + '\s*-\s*(\(\d{5}\))\s*-\s*(\w{3}\s\d{4}\w?-\d{3}-(?:[^.\s]|\b\s\b)+)\s*-\s*([^.]+\.txt)$', r' - \1 - \2 - \3', f)
def regexFindallFix(f):
return ' - '.join(str(elem) for elem in re.findall(r'^(\d+)\s*-\s*(\(\d+\))\s*-\s*(.*?)\s*-\s*(\S+,.*)$', f)[0])
def properFiles(dir1,term,path1):
goodMatch = []; stillWrong = []; goodFix = [] #; fixed = ""
for f in dir1:
result = checkProper(f,term)
if result: goodMatch.append(result.group(0))
#fixed = re.sub(r"(?<=[0-9]) *- *(?=[^0-9a-zA-Z])", " - ", re.sub(r"(?<=[^0-9]) *- *(?=[0-9a-zA-Z])", " - ", f))
#fixed = parseFix(f)
#fixed = regexFindallFix(f)
fixed = regexSubFix(f,term)
print "^^^^^^ ",fixed
if checkProper(fixed,term):
os.rename(path1+'\\'+f, path1+'\\'+fixed); goodFix.append(f)
else: os.rename(path1+'\\'+f, path1+'\\'+'@ '+f); stillWrong.append(f)
#print "f ---- ",f
goodToGo = len(goodMatch)+len(goodFix); total = len(dir1)
print "%d total files. %d files in proper format. %f%% success rate."%(total,goodToGo,(goodToGo/(float(total)))*100.0)
print "All files not in proper format are appended with @ to be clearly marked for the user."
return goodMatch, goodFix, stillWrong
在 main 中调用时,readDir()
)。 checkProper()
似乎在其他所有方面都运行良好,但最后一个 if 语句似乎没有捕获fixed
我正在学习 Python,所以我相当肯定初级程序员可以快速发现这一点,但如果有任何专业人士遇到这个问题,我相信这对他们来说是小菜一碟。
201308 - (82442) - MAC 1105 - 012 - College Algebra - Harmon, Drake.txt