I'm using vb.net. Below is my code on read a txt file and my txt file is quite large. I successfully read and display my Test.txt in txt2.Text, I want my output inside the Test.txt same line by line to be display inside the txt2.Text, I have set up my txt2.Text as multiple line. So when i enlarge my txt2.Text, my output will be the same as inside the Test.txt file. how do i used VbCrLf inside my code?
Dim filename As String = "C:\Users\user\Documents\Test.txt"
Dim Line As String = ""
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Using sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filename)
Line = sr.ReadLine
If Line = "*" Then
Line = sr.ReadLine
Line = sr.ReadLine
Loop Until Line = "**"
End If
Line = sr.ReadLine
Loop Until Line = ""
End Using
txt2.Text = sb.ToString
End Sub