Complete change to the question!

I now have the following script:

@echo off
REM keep a counter for files converted
set /A nfile=0
REM do not copy empty folders or any files
@echo Copying directory structure from %0 to %1 ...
xcopy /T %1 %2
REM walk directory structure and convert each file in quiet mode
for /R %1 %%v in (*.mp4, *.aac, *.flv, *.m4a, *.mp3) do (
    echo converting "%%~nxv" ...
    ffmpeg -v quiet -i "%%v" -vcodec libx264 "%2\%%~nv-converted.mp4"
    set /A nfile+=1
echo Done! Converted %nfile% file(s)

Taken from: http://mostlybuggy.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/windows-batch-file-how-to-copy-and-convert-folders-recursively-with-ffmpeg/

The videos are converting as expected when I run the following command:

convert ..\..\folder ..\..\converted\

However, the converted files end up in "converted" and not in their respective sub-folders.

Any ideas?


2 回答 2





@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion

REM get absolute path of source and destination roots
for %%F in ("%~1\x") do set "src=%%~dpF"
for %%F in ("%~2\x") do set "dst=%%~dpF"

REM get length of root source path
call :strlen src srcLen

REM keep a counter for files converted
set /A nfile=0
REM do not copy empty folders or any files
@echo Copying directory structure from %1 to %2 ...
xcopy /T "%src%\." "%dst%\."

REM walk directory structure and convert each file in quiet mode
for /R "%src%" %%F in (*.mp4, *.aac, *.flv, *.m4a, *.mp3) do (
  set "file=%%~fF"
  set "file2=%%~dpnF"
  echo converting "%%~nxF" ...
  setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
  ffmpeg -v quiet -i "!file!" -vcodec libx264 "!dst!!file2:~%srcLen%!-converted.mp4"
  set /A nfile+=1
echo Done! Converted %nfile% file(s)
exit /b

:strlen  strVar  [rtnVar]
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "s=!%~1!#"
set "len=0"
for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
  if "!s:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" (
    set /a "len+=%%P"
    set "s=!s:~%%P!"
  if "%~2" equ "" (echo %len%) else set "%~2=%len%"
  exit /b

如果您有两个未分配的驱动器号可以映射到您的根源文件夹和目标文件夹,那么有一个非常简单的解决方案。这将允许您使用完整的绝对路径(没有驱动器号)。我假设 X: 和 Y: 可用

@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion

REM map unused drive letters to source and destination
for %%F in ("%~1\.") do subst x: "%%~fF"
for %%F in ("%~2\.") do subst y: "%%~fF"

REM keep a counter for files converted
set /A nfile=0
REM do not copy empty folders or any files
@echo Copying directory structure from %1 to %2 ...
xcopy /T x:\ y:\

REM walk directory structure and convert each file in quiet mode
for /R x:\ %%F in (*.mp4, *.aac, *.flv, *.m4a, *.mp3) do (
  echo converting "%%~nxF" ...
  ffmpeg -v quiet -i "%%F" -vcodec libx264 "y:%%~pnF-converted.mp4"
  set /A nfile+=1
echo Done! Converted %nfile% file(s)
exit /b

REM release mapped drive letters
subst /d x:
subst /d y:
于 2013-09-30T18:32:35.577 回答


@echo off &setlocal
set /a nfile=0
echo Copying directory structure from %1 to %2 ...
xcopy /T "%~1" "%~2"
REM walk directory structure and convert each file in quiet mode
set "sourcefolder=%~1"
set "targetfolder=%~2"
for /R "%sourcefolder%" %%a in (*.mp4 *.aac *.flv *.m4a *.mp3) do (
    echo converting "%%~nxa" ...
    set "sourcefile=%%~fa"
    set "sourcepath=%%~dpa"
    set "targetfile=%%~na-converted.mp4"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "targetfolder=%targetfolder%!sourcepath:%sourcefolder%=!"
    ffmpeg -v quiet -i "!sourcefile!" -vcodec libx264 "!targetfolder!!targetfile!"
    set /A nfile+=1
echo Done! Converted %nfile% file(s)
于 2013-09-30T18:21:36.577 回答