
我有两个功能,即void binarycheck(int encoding, product *curr[], int totalcurr)void search_show()

binarycheck基本上encoding从名为的数组结构中获取值curr(curr 包含字符串和 int 的混合变量)。其目的是通过按位函数检查每个数组currcurr的值后,将数组分为3大类和5个子类。encoding

子类包含在用于形成的 typedef 结构中curr。喜欢:

typedef struct nodebase{
    char name[254];
    char company_name[254];
    int encoding;
    double price;
    struct nodebase *next;
    struct nodebase *Class;

现在,使用该binarycheck功能后,void search_show基本上会询问用户他喜欢的1)类型然后2)子类然后void search_show将打印已分类为用户选择的类型和子类的产品。

因此,void search_show将不得不使用void binarycheckint 形式的结果(用于计算每个分类数组的存在)和数组(用于分类数据)。

我正在考虑一种“蛮力”方式,将所有使用的变量void binarycheck作为参数,void search_show但变量太多无法添加。


*我在 Windows 上使用 Tiny C

示例代码://Binarycheck 将包含如下所示的变量:

void *binarycheck(int encoding, hero *curr[], int totalwarrior)
int toughtotal = 0;
int nimbletotal = 0;
int smarttotal = 0;
int skeptictotal = 0;
int mystictotal = 0;
int cursedtotal = 0;
int brutetotal = 0;
int shreddertotal = 0;
int vanillatotal = 0;
int typetotal = 0;
int class_num = 0;
int class_total[6];
int total = 0;
hero *type[3][6] = {{0},{0}};
hero *smart[3][6] = {{0},{0}};
hero *nimble[3][6]= {{0},{0}};
hero *tough[3][6]= {{0},{0}};   
hero *skeptic[]= {0};
hero *mystic[]= {0};
hero *cursed[]= {0};
hero *brute[]= {0};
hero *shredder[]= {0};
hero *vanilla[]= {0};

//This is a sample of assigning "curr[totalwarrior]' into its respective type array.
if ((encoding&128)==1 && (encoding&64)==1)
    smart[smarttotal][class_num] = curr[totalwarrior]; //class_num is 0 as of this moment. 
    total = smarttotal;
    type[total][class_num] = smart[smarttotal][class_num];
    printf("\n::|Smart Type::|\n");
/*There will be 2 more of this code (above) since there will be 3 types array*/

//This is assigning "type[total][class_num]" into its respective class array.

if ((encoding&32)==1)
    class_num = 1;
    type[total][class_num] = vanilla[vanillatotal];
    class_total[1] = vanillatotal;
    vanillatotal++; //Vanilla
    printf("\n::|Vanilla Class::|\n");
/*There will be 5 more of this code (above) since there will be 6 class array*/

seach_show必须使用total, class_num, type[total][class_num],class_total


2 回答 2




typedef struct binary_check_values {
    int toughtotal;
    int nimbletotal;
    int smarttotal;
    int skeptictotal;
    int mystictotal;
    int cursedtotal;
    int brutetotal;
    int shreddertotal;
    int vanillatotal;
    int typetotal;
    int class_num;
    int class_total[6];
    int total;
    hero *type[3][6];
    hero *smart[3][6];
    hero *nimble[3][6];
    hero *tough[3][6];
    hero *skeptic[];
    hero *mystic[];
    hero *cursed[];
    hero *brute[];
    hero *shredder[];
    hero *vanilla[];
} binaryCheckValues;

binaryCheckResults(int encoding, hero *curr[], int totalWarrior, binaryCheckValues *values) {
    values->toughtotal = 0;
    values->nimbletotal = 0;
    /* etc */
/* ... other code ... */
于 2013-09-30T14:40:26.257 回答



struct Parameters {
  int toughtotal;
  int nimbletotal;
  int smarttotal;
  int skeptictotal;
  int mystictotal;
  int cursedtotal;
  int brutetotal;
  int shreddertotal;
  int vanillatotal;
  int typetotal;
  int class_num;
  int class_total[6];
  int total;
  hero *type[3][6];
  hero *smart[3][6];
  hero *nimble[3][6];
  hero *tough[3][6];
  hero *skeptic[];
  hero *mystic[];
  hero *cursed[];
  hero *brute[];
  hero *shredder[];
  hero *vanilla[];

然后,您将需要一个函数,就像init_parameters(struct Parameters* p)您在开始时所做的那样初始化结构的每个成员binarycheck


void binarycheck(struct Parameters *p, int encoding, product *curr[], int totalcurr)
void search_show(struct Parameters *p)
于 2013-09-30T14:45:00.490 回答