我实际上正在寻找一种方法来自定义我的窗口弹出窗口,就像在这个网站上完成的那样:http ://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2013/quiet/#/map/ 我一直在寻找所有的网络,没有找到它的方法...
The javascript code uses a combination of JQuery, JQueryUI, qTip2, and a couple of other libraries for localization and media player abilities.
You can find the specific javascript code for those markers here: NYTimes Map - zoom.js
All the css is found here: NYTimes Map - quiet.css
The main tool used for the mouseover parts is qTip2. Tutorials and demos can be found on the website. That's probably the thing you're going to want to start with.
有一个名为Leaflet.Rrose的 Leaflet 扩展。Leaflet插件页面的描述: