If I upgrade from Mojarra 2.1.21 to Mojarra 2.1.22, 23, 24, or 26, I became an error in my view. The error has something to do with binding. (Duplicate component id) because I had binding to sessionScoped bean properties. I have changed my bean to use EL-scoped binding. So my question:
Is it safe to use EL-Binding and give a bound component as parameter and read(and set properties on this component). E.g.
<p:dataTable binding="#{table}"> ...</p:dataTable> <p:commandButton action="#{bean.doit(table)}" />
public void doit(DataTable dt) { dt.getSomething(); dt.setSomething(); }
Why it's first happened from Mojara version 2.1.22 (this version number included) ?