I am going by Marklogic Tutorial for Oscars to develop an application for my documents that I have ingested in the database. What I am not able to understand is that though the Search box performs autocomplete, but it doesnot do that for elements..i.e if I type Cha...then it should start suggesting all names starting with Cha..sucha as Charles, Charley etc.Sample Oscars Application

As shown in figure: I can write Decade(which will get autocompleted..) and select one among 1920s..1930s..etc. But I dont want to specify Field name as such.I just want to type actor name and it should provide auto suggest on that...

I have looked for it in the documentation where it says that search:suggest function can do this; but I am new to xquery etc and dont know how to proceed...

Do I need to modify this function or add something to it?How?


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- 编辑 -

根据您的评论,如果您没有指定特定的搜索字段,听起来您想更改自动完成的来源。这很容易。如果您启动向导以创建Oscar 示例应用程序,则该选项位于第一个屏幕上。您还可以在创建后从Application Builder重新访问同一向导以应用更改。


于 2013-09-30T12:43:16.260 回答